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Choosing the Right Cataract Surgeon

Only ophthalmologists can perform cataract surgery. Here, at Highland Ophthalmology Associates, our eye surgeons are medical doctors and ophthalmologists who have completed 4 years of medical school, a medical internship and 3 or more years of training in eye surgery and treatment of eye diseases.


Cataract surgeons work in a field of constantly evolving techniques, equipment, and replacement lenses. This is good news if you're considering cataract surgery because now you have more options. But those same options can make the decision-making process overwhelming without the proper professional advice.


But finding the right surgeon can feel like a scary task. You may need to interview several before you find one you feel comfortable trusting your eyes to. Treat it like any other interview, and you’re in the driver’s seat.


Here are some questions you may wish to discuss with us when considering cataract surgery to make sure we are the right surgeon for you and you are the right candidate for cataract surgery.

  • How advanced are my cataracts?
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What are the different types of intraocular lenses (IOLs)?
  • Which IOL is best for me and why?
  • When would you recommend I seek treatment?
  • How much does cataract surgery cost?
  • What is the surgical process like?
  • Who will perform the actual surgical procedure? You, or a technician?
  • How long does the entire process usually take?
  • What are the different cataract surgery risks I should be concerned with?
  • Will any of my other eye conditions affect my treatment options?
  • What medications will you likely prescribe before and after the procedure?
  • Will any of the prescriptions I’m taking complicate the surgical or recovery process?
  • Should I care for my eyes prior to surgery?
  • Are there any things I need to think about between now and treatment?
  • Is there anything I should or shouldn't do?
  • Is there anything I need to tell my family or caregiver?
  • How much time should I plan to take off from work?
  • When can I resume everyday activities?
  • How should I care for my eyes in the meantime?
  • What should I wear on the day of the surgery?
  • When is the latest I can eat or drink?
  • What can I do to avoid complications after the procedure?
  • What are some red flags for serious complications after surgery?
  • What should I do if problems occur?


At Highland Ophthalmology Associates, our eye surgeons will be able to provide you with recommendations that are best for your particular situation. Call Highland Ophthalmology Associates today at (845) 562-0138 to schedule your first Cataract Surgery consultation with Dr. Mary E. Davidian or Dr. Thien Huynh.